Tuesday, August 18, 2009

MySpace Countdown


  1. Everything looks beautiful. You haven't posted so either you are really lost, really drunk, or just having a really good time. Hope it is the really good time.Everything here is going good. Autumn went to Yvonne's today. Her friend Cameron and Katie are moving to Atlanta so she wanted to spend some time with them. I did take her to dance rehersal this morning. Matthew's blood sugar is running around 120 (averaged out). He is going to robotics with Stellon tomorrow from 1-5. Glad you are having fun but I miss you and will be glad when you are back home. Dad and I laughed when we read the part about eating at McDonalds. When we went to the Bahamas we found a Burger King and was never so happy in all our lives. Love ya pumpkin. Be safe.

  2. Mom -
    LOL, I just saw this. No not really drunk... just really without internet access. Love you too!! Hope you have read our updates.
